Adult Travel Team

********IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ********

Remember, your behavior in Lake Placid is a direct reflection on TriCity Lacrosse Inc. programs.  If you cause any problems you and TriCity Lacrosse may be banned from future tournaments. Please be advised that you have committed to playing for TriCity Lacrosse and are expected to attend ALL games, as well as be on time. Failure to attend or tardiness will result in reduced playing time and jeopardize your participation on future squads. Tournament schedules are available prior to the tournament at, as well as at the Main Field during the weekend.     NO EXCUSES! Go DOGS!

Register for Lake Placid Tournament using the registration forms. You can choose to pay by check or PayPal.

Tri-City Lacrosse is entering teams in 6 divisions in this year’s Lake Placid Tourney!  If you received an email invite, please register below.  If you did not receive an invite and would like to be considered, please reach out to the following team contacts:

********The Team Fee is $235 for 2024********

Women’s 18+ team (College division)

Team Contact – Kristen Schoen (607) 435-1255

Women’s 25+ Division team (25 yrs old+ age division)

Team Contact – Kristen Schoen (607) 435-1255

Men’s 25+ Division team (25+ Age Division)

Team Contact – Nate Farrell (315) 982-1710

Master’s Team   (30+ Age Division)

Team Contact-Dave Misiaszek (315) 794-4379

Grand Master’s II Team. (45+ Age division)

Team Contact – Brent Dodge (315) 404-8688

Super Grand Master’s Team. (55+ Age division)

Team Contact – Bob Dicks (315) 404-1117